- 2024-10-21 21:51 22
- 产品价格:120000.00元/
- 品牌:地址:广东 东莞市
- 编号:14928企业:东莞市长安欧准特精密机械经营部
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美国二手OGP影像测量仪 ZIP250 ZIP300
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- 产品描述
smartscope zip250
测量范围(xyz): 250x150x200mm
测量系统的尺寸(长/宽/高): 74x54-64(标准-加长)x 80cm,120kg
计算机尺寸(长/宽/高): 76x45x56cm,23kg
运输包装尺寸(长/宽/高): ,175kg
分辨率: 0.1μm
马达驱动: 4轴 dc伺服马达驱动
手动工作台控制: 4轴操纵杆(x,y,z,变焦) ,具有人性化的多功能的qvi摇杆
工作台: 有夹具孔且阳极氧化,平台玻璃,25公斤承载力
变焦镜: 具有专利的5:1 accucentric® 自动校准变焦镜(屏幕上放大40x-200x)
物镜配件: 2.0x
照明: 平台下led背光(被校准的),同轴led表面光,专利的smartringtm led白光源
视频系统: ½′ 高分辨率彩色ccd,768x 494像素阵列
影像处理: 10:1次像素分辨率, 256灰色级
smartscope® zip 250 has been thepreferred video measurement system of manufacturers aroundthe
world. the new smartscope zipbuilds upon all the features and capabilities that made zip sopopular.
video measurement capabilities areenhanced by a new optional megapixel camera, and all-led
illumination provides enhancedimaging and improved signal processing. smartscope zip 250 isalso a
multisensormachine. available contact and non-
contact probes deployand retract under program control for fully automatic operation.the innovative
ergonomic joystickcombines stage control and other important operational controls sothey are right at
hand. systemelectronics are built into the column for easy access and improvedefficiency. smartscope
zip usesogp®measuremind® 3d multisensor metrology software forthree-dimensional measurement,
combining auser-friendly interface withhigh-powered algorithms for dependableand reliable
smartscope zip —improved to continue to be the best choice for
所属分类:仪表 / 光学仪器
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